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Evacuation Procedures & Inspections

Evacuation Procedures | Fire Safety Inspections

In Australia, workplace fire safety is governed by various legal requirements to ensure the protection of employees and assets. These regulations have been put in place to reduce the risk of fire and ensure that businesses are prepared in the event of an emergency. Compliance with these legal requirements is essential for businesses and offices to avoid legal repercussions and fines.

The Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations mandate the implementation of Evacuation Diagrams, Emergency Procedures, and fire safety inspections. These requirements are put in place to ensure that employees can evacuate the building safely and efficiently in the event of a fire. Evacuation Diagrams clearly outline the escape routes and the location of fire safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers and fire hoses. Emergency Procedures provide guidance on how to respond to a fire, including the steps to take to evacuate the building safely.

Evacuation Procedures

Evacuation Procedures • Fire Inspections
To fire safety compliance, businesses must have a comprehensive emergency response plan in place. The plan should include detailed instructions on how to act in case of an emergency, evacuation routes, and assembly points.

Additionally, it should have contact details for emergency services, as well as a list of equipment and procedures. Regular staff training should be conducted to ensure that everyone is aware of the fire safety regulations and are familiar with the emergency response plan.

Emergency Response Plans contain all information relating to the facilities emergency plan and emergency response and evacuation procedure.

All roles & responsibilities of staff will be listed here as well as emergency phone numbers, potential hazards and risks for the workplace, emergency procedures, visitor management & other vital information.

Key Benefits:
  • Increase employee safety levels
  • Ensure compliance with fire safety regulations
  • Help protect your business from any unexpected disasters
  • Keep yourself and your employees safe in the event of an emergency
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Fire Safety Inspections

Evacuation Procedures • Fire Inspections
All members of the Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) must be well rehearsed with their duties and preparedness in accordance with the emergency response plan.

Regular Fire Safety training must be conducted to ensure all relevant staff are familiar with their roles & able to confidently perform should an emergency situation occur.

Fire Safety training may include activities for pre & post emergency, training using first-attack firefighting equipment, fire evacuation drills or simulations for visitors or occupants who may have mobility restrictions or medical conditions.

Key Benefits:
  • Ensure compliance with all relevant legislation and regulations.
  • Implement a comprehensive emergency plan.
  • Give staff and visitors peace of mind, knowing they are protected in the event of an emergency.
  • Create a safe and secure environment for everyone on premises.
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Reconciliation Action Plan

At Skills Force Australia, we acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we work and live. In addition we will respect Indigenous Elders past and present.

Our vision for reconciliation

Our vision for reconciliation is shared with many other Australian small businesses to celebrate the knowledge and cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This will be achieved through the social, economic and cultural inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our training programs.

Our family business is committed to sustainable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander qualifications and sustainable, meaningful assistance for employment through quality training

Bookings and Reservations

Address: Unit 5, 12-14 Baretta Road, Wangara
Phone: (08) 9309 4722


Skills Force Australia
ABN: 48 156 593 690
RTO Code: 52354


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